The Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care

Tune in and watch tonight at
8:30pm EDT/5:30pm PDT!

**if you can’t make the event LIVE, a link will be sent to everyone who signed up, but you MUST sign up to receive the link.

Dear friends,

I am so looking forward to connecting with you all in virtual community tonight, for my Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care class hosted by the Shift Network. If you have not yet signed up and claimed your spot, now is the time to do so!

I will teach you ways to engage with the magic of plants — and give you a taste of how plants can help you open up to self-love, self-healing, strength, and community.

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover what it means to be a Green Witch

  • Explore the idea that plants are kin — they are intelligent conscious beings that you can have a relationship with

  • Come to understand that plants come into our lives where and when we need them

  • Be guided through an experiential practice of connecting with a favorite tree in song and meditation

  • Learn about the medicinal properties of mullein and white pine, and a few other common herbs that can help you elevate your self-care and self-love, providing you with first aid for your mind, body, and soul

Plants are conscious, living beings. Moving into a more loving, responsive, day-to-day relationship with them will help us heal ourselves, our communities, and transform how we treat the Earth.

Plants existed on this planet long before humans, and they’ve always taken care of us — they feed us, heal us, and guide us on our spiritual journeys.

In these times when people are disconnected from nature and suffering more than ever from loneliness and all manner of mental health crises, we need only look to our elders in the planetary timeline — the plants — for nourishment of our bodies and souls, and to help us feel more connected to our global community.

I will also share what it means to be a Green Witch — someone who respects plants as living beings and understands that while plants do provide us with medicines and healing, they don’t exist just for us.

A Green Witch believes in the radical idea that plants have their own consciousness, and that all plants have the potential to alter your consciousness.

If you’re ever feeling isolated or lonely, know that every time you venture into the community of plants and trees, you’ll be interacting with a community of your kin.

There’s only a few hours left to REGISTER: The Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care: Connect With Our Plant Elders to Foster Self-Love, Healing & Community!

Green Blessings,

Robin Rose Bennett

Author of The Gift of Healing Herbs and Healing Magic

P.S. I'd love to see you at The Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care!

If for any reason you are unable to attend the event LIVE, a recording will be sent to everyone who signs up. However, you MUST sign up to receive the recording link! And remember, it’s all free!


Relishing the Long Days of Summer (without the bugs)


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